patient receiving treatment

Welcome to Moving Mountain Coaching

Trisheana of Moving Mountains Coaching provides relatable coaching that helps individuals and couples develop positive habits, improve communication and intimacy, as well as manage stress. Book today and begin your journey to overcoming obstacles and moving mountains in your own life.

Discover the Ultimate Path to Your Best Self

Are you being held back by fear, stress, and self-doubt? Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed with the inability to get beyond feelings of depression and anxiety? Sometimes, it even seems impossible to bounce back.  You may find yourself struggling to regain your motivation or find your new normal after dealing with the stress and grief of the global pandemic! Do you often look at your life and feel like overwhelmed by the increasing  stress  of life and the  mental and emotional baggage you can’t seem to shake on your own? If you are finding yourself unable to move forward or your mind constantly anxious in a never-ending spiral of negativity, frustration, irritability  and stress! Then, it’s time for you to move!  You deserve support to help you grow beyond the challenges that have holding you back and begin living the life you desire and deserve. With trained and certified coaching support… There Is Hope  You can break free from struggling with:
  • Negative self-image
  • Inability to break negative habits
  • Suffering from emotional Stress
  • Troubled relationships
  • Overwhelming anxiety
  • Struggling with past trauma
clear mind

Discover the Ultimate Path to Your Best Self

You deserve to break free from whatever has been holding you back and holding you hostage in patterns that no longer serve you! With the right support, you can absolutely overcome anxiety, the lingering challenges of the pandemic, heal from your past and live a more productive, happy and empowered life. It is possible for you to improve your confidence, focus, and self concept, so you can achieve your dreams! YOU DESERVE IT! Invest in yourself!  Learn the Secrets to:living a more fulfilled and satisfying life
moving beyond the pain of the past
replacing negativity with positive habits
taking bold steps towards your dreams
No matter what you’re going through, there’s a way to move past it all and live life on your own terms. The life you dreamed of and desire is possible for you!

me with mountains

How Moving Mountains Coaching Will Help Change Your Life

Your Own Relatable One-On-One Coach

Unlike 99% of the modern coaches out there, I don’t subject my clients to pre-recorded videos and generic advice. Each of our sessions would be one-on-one and tailored to you. I happily share my secrets and personal experiences to help you overcome your hurdles.

Inner Peace

Battling your inner monsters alone is like going to war without weapons. In our sessions, I’ll guide you through the process of coming to terms with trauma, pain, and fear. You will be enabled to live life with more peace and achieve balance. You’ll finally be free to move on to follow your life goals.

Better Relationships

Countless people face obstacles that keep them from loving or being loved. Our sessions will help you overcome them and allow you to increase your belief in your own value, develop positive lasting relationships, find love, and achieve more intimacy in your life.

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The Life You Desire is Waiting for You to Take The First Step!

After overcoming my darkest times, I realized that “Every Mountain Can Be Moved If You are Willing To Take The First Step™”. I lost a lot! But found the strength to keep moving forward. I was able to steer my life in a positive direction that allowed me to move beyond my own crisis and trauma. Your own mountains are waiting for you to take that first step to move them! Don’t let stress, anxiety, trauma, or low self-esteem take more from you than they have already. NOW is the time to begin your life anew and find happiness. Get your stress coaching package today! We’re currently offering our coaching packages at bonus prices:

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Start Today With Stress Management Coach & Move Your Mountains

Not sure which areas of your life you need help with? Book a consultation. Together, we will identify your problem areas and help you determine the best way forward. Please Note: bonus prices and packages are part of a limited offer. Schedule soon to ensure your space on the calendar. Purchase your package today to guarantee your space in my schedule. Take back control of your life.

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Guidance to Survive & Thrive

I’m Trisheana Barzar Hunter, founder of Moving Mountains Coaching, and I once lived my life suffocated by pain, anxiety, and trauma. I have overcome my share of obstacles and moved mountains I never dreamed of! I discovered the secrets to overcoming obstacles and moving mountains in my life. These are the secrets I look forward to passing on to you so you can move mountains in your own life!

I faced circumstances and pain I was certain would break me. Today, I help men, women, and couples worldwide manage stress, overcome anxiety, PTSD, trauma, and pain. It is my passion and my purpose to pass these lessons, tools, and secrets to YOU!!!

My individualized approach has helped hundreds of people build a positive self-concept, improve responses to life and job stress, develop lasting positive habits, and learn healthy approaches to sexuality free from judgment or shame.

Transform Into Your Best Self

Your best self is within! You deserve support dedicated to helping you find it. Together, we will develop a personalized plan for your success! As your coach, my purpose is to help you become the happy, productive, and confident, individual you were always meant to be.


Overcoming Pain, Crisis and Trauma 

Life can be difficult. We are faced with illness, pain, crisis and trauma. When this happens to us, it can seem impossible to move forward. Our goals can seem beyond our reach because our vision is blocked by what we have been thought. We begin to feel stuck. Fear even sets in and prevents us from taking the steps towards living the life we desire and deserve. Working with Masters Certified Transformational Life Coach, Trisheana Barzar Hunter provides a unique coaching experience to helping you to develop a step by step plan to a more empowered and fulfilling life. Trisheana has experienced, pain crisis and trauma and understands how what you you have faced may be holding you back. With a patient and compassionate approach to coaching and supporting clients, Trisheana helps you to work past your personal fears and barriers and help you develop a workable plan empowering you to begin taking the steps on a clearer path to achieving your goals and living the life you deserve.

Removing Obstacles 

Sometimes our obstacles seem larger than life or as big as a mountain. Working with Transformational Life Coach, and Motivational Speaker Trisheana Barzar Hunter will help you to break down your obstacles into manageable steps and empower you to create the powerful change necessary to move the mountains in your own life. Trisheana is certified in Emotional Intelligence and holds a Masters in Psychology. Her background and experiences help her to provide you with a compassionate and productive approach to coaching experience. She is dedicated to helping you clearly identify what you want most and working with you to develop a plan to help you get there, while supporting you every step of the way

Be Your Best Self 

Life is full of opportunities and barriers. As your life coach, my priority is to helping you identify the internal and external barriers that are holding you back from living the life of your dreams. Together we will identify the steps needed to create the life you deserve. My life coaching process empowers you to focus on your self care, release negativity and focus your energy and efforts on creating the peaceful and fulfilled life you deserve.

Live Your Dreams 

Creating powerful change in your life can seem overwhelming. Personal transformation is not easy. Working with a trained life coach empowers you to look at your your obstacles as well as your goals in order to develop a manageable step by step plan will help you move past your fears, focus on your goals, and accomplish more than you ever imagined.

stacked rocks

Here's What Past Clients Have to Say About the Program

  • Lola’s Testimonial on how Moving Mountains Coaching helped her overcome obstacles in her own life.

    - Lola
  • I was fortunate to be on this incredible podcast and share my journey and the philosophy behind Moving Mountains Transformational Life Coaching.

    - Celeste
  • Transformation testimony from Sarah on how learning from Trisheana Barzar Hunter’s journey impacted her

    - Sarah
  • Trisheana is an amazing coach! She listened to me and understood my situation and challenges. She patiently and calmly guided me to realistic solutions. I am in a better place now and I know that I got here with her help and direction.

    - Diamond
  • Just incredible session. If you're on the fence about moving forward, I get it. But I can honestly say, I finally found a coach who 'gets it' on multiple levels. Whoever you are reading this, don't give up. And maybe you're here for a reason; I was. Extraordinarily professional, straightforward, and she used an approach that worked really well for me. I've signed up for a series of sessions.

    Show More - Melissa
  • I'd like to say I'm writing after the 4th session of a 6 session package with Trisheana. I've been having good results after feeling in the dumps for the last several years. I feel life can go in up and down cycles and I was definitely feeling like at the bottom of a cycle when I came on thumbtack looking for a coach. Trisheana was the first one that responded, we got started in fairly short order, and she has been a good catalyst to help me move on from feeling stuck in the past and difficult situations and get moving forward again in relationships, life and business. If you're reading this and your story is anything like mine, I think she might be able to help you too.

    Show More - Marvin
  • Trisheana spoke at our high school graduation ceremony. Her speech was thoughtful and inspirational. We would definitely recommend her! Thank you!

    - Mary
  • She is very patient and understanding. With her help and guidance, I have been able to organize my thoughts and make achievable goals in my life.

    - Diamond J
  • I don't think I will ever be able to explain what she has done for me. She has opened my eyes to so many different things and has helped me get through a really tough time in my life and see my value and that my future was bright! She has helped me rewrite the middle and ending of my life story. Money and time well spent, I can't thank her enough!

    Show More - Vannesa
  • After just 5 coaching sessions my marriage has been better than ever! Trisheana really helped us work through some obstacles that we just couldn’t find a solution to on our own. She is very down to earth and professional. A total pro. I would recommend to everyone!

    - Rhonda
  • She gave me hope and relit a fire under me. I really want to cry typing this because I just feel so alive and happy. It’s just a feeling I can’t describe, and the clarity I received is amazing. I just can’t explain the feeling but it’s just so euphoric and I feel like I got my groove back If you need an amazing, supportive and passionate life coach, book her. You will not regret it.

    Show More - Jakyla
  • I had a wonderful conversation with coach Trisheana. Very down to earth and easy to talk to. Looking forward to "Keeping the light on" and having it shine brighter.

    - Tammie
  • I would recommend this coaching if your someone like me who is filled with idea and need help or guidance in taking all your ideas and creating a game plan. If you feel overwhelmed with life and finding your purpose. Trisheana been amazing in listening to what I say and connecting dots. She has been a great help in creating a game to help me move away from being a trauma survivor to being my own person. A person outside of my truama. I definitely would recommend her.

    Show More - Keline
  • I absolutely love my sessions with Mrs. Trisheana. She’s professional yet easy to talk to and has made this journey of healing a less bumpy one. I love her tremendously and I would refer everyone I know to her!

    - Pilar
  • I definitely recommend Trisheana’s Life coaching service this has truly been beneficial to me. Being a single busy mom I at times put my self last, so on my journey of self improvement. Having a life coach keeps me on track with my life goals and career aspirations. Thanks Trish you are truly amazing Life Coach!

    Show More - Lola

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Moving Mountains Coaching

10:00 am - 7:00 pm
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10:00 am - 7:00 pm
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